Salade de chou croquant avec vinaigrette sucrée et piquante

Goûtez la vinaigrette et ajustez les saveurs à votre guise. Si vous le préférez plus sucré, ajoutez un peu plus de miel ; pour plus de piquant, ajoutez un peu plus de vinaigre.
Pour the dressing over the salad and toss everything together until well coated. Let the salad sit for about 10 minutes before serving so the flavors can mingle.
Give the salad a final toss and taste. Adjust seasoning with more salt if needed.
Serve this salad as a fresh, vibrant side dish or add a protein of your choice to make it a main course. It’s perfect for picnics, potlucks, or a nutritious addition to your meal.
Enjoy your homemade crunchy cabbage and cucumber salad with its tangy mustard dressing!

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